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Climate Change and Health: The Growing Threat of Extreme Weather Events

Climate Change and Health: The Growing Threat of Extreme Weather Events

Do you want to explore climate change and health implications? Read this article to learn how increasing extreme weather events pose a threat to health security.

Climate change is a harsh and sad reality of today's world, and every sector and almost every individual of the society is now facing its frightening and adverse manifestations. The health sector is no more exception to it as climate change and health are inseparable.

Climate change has led to various extreme weather events, such as floods, different storms, and heat waves, affecting health by causing numerous deaths, illnesses, stress and trauma.

Extreme Weather Events and Health Implications: Deep Insight 

Climate change is a major global threat that lead to intense heat waves and other harsh weather events such as droughts and floods, which badly impact human health. These extreme weather events lead to climate change health effects such as physical injuries, mental health problems and sometimes death.

A worker under heat stress due to extreme weather

 Additionally, they can worsen existing health conditions such as asthma and respiratory diseases and create more chances for vector-borne diseases. The most vulnerable populations which are suffering due to this menace include children, old people and individuals who are already suffering from other illnesses.

According to the World Health Organization, human-induced climate change has resulted in 37% of heat-related deaths. Moreover, in 2022, only in the more, more than 60000 lives were strangled to death by extreme heat just in the WHO European Region. These facts prove that climate change health impacts are being felt all across the world and that human health is in danger.

Climate change fueled flood leading to health problems and diseases

Therefore, the growing threat of extreme weather events demands solid actions and the joint efforts of whole global community to get rid of this existential problem. By addressing the factors contributing to climate change we can ensure a healthier future.

Last Verdict 

In a nutshell, climate change and health are interconnected and extreme weather events fueled by climate change are deteriorating the public health throughout the world.These are causing physical and mental health problems such as chronic diseases, stress and occasionally fatalities. Therefore, it is the right time to take immediate and concrete actions to mitigate the looming threat and ensure health security.


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