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7 foods and drinks that my cause cloudy urine - Cloudy urine refers to urine that is dull, thick, and not transparent. It can result from many hidden causes, including certain food sources and drinks. A few reasons for shady urine are harmless, while others may need clinical concern. 

What is cloudy urine?

Cloudy urine is of pale color. It may be due to less use of water or other drinks. If it is due to the lack of drink of water, it may be harmless. You can use simply drink a lot of water to overcome it.

But if the cloudy urine is due to other issues, it becomes necessary to treat it as soon as possible. 

Here are some food and drinks that may cause cloudy urine. 

1.    Milk and milk products 



Using a lot of milk or dairy products could result in cloudy urine. Urine is a physiological process. Our body attempts to discharge excessive phosphorus out of the body through urine.

If its quantity fluctuates from the normal value it may be a reason for disease. Regular discharge of a high amount of phosphorus in urine defines a disease. It may lead to any kidney disorder and kidney failure.

In short, food and drinks rich in milk cause cloudy urine.

2.    Consuming a lot of meat



According to researchers, a lot of meat, in daily food is not good. It could increment urinary phosphorus discharge. Phosphorus is a mineral that is important for our bones. When you take excessive phosphorus in food or drink it becomes necessary to release it. Excessive phosphorus leads to shady urine.  

3.  Use of fish in food


Certain kinds of fish (anchovies, shellfish, and sardines) are high in purines. This can get separated into uric acid in the body and may cause cloudy urine in certain individuals.

Any food rich in purine generates uric acid in the body and causes hyperuricosuria. It turns urine into cloudy. Fishes or see food are rich in energy. But the person suffering from issues of cloudy urine should reduce the use of fish.                       

4.    Food and drinks rich in sugar



Much more fructose is present in organic products, nectar, and molasses. It is also the primary part of food and drink. Some high fructose corn syrup, are now using in soft drinks and sweet drinks. Candies and bundled treats, salad dressing and fixings, certain granola bars, and pieces of bread and wafers food are rich in sugar.

These sweet food sources and drinks may prompt high uric acid in urine. Such an amount of uric acid and results in the shadiness of urine. In normal individuals, food and drinks rich in sugar do not cause serious issues.

But in people, having diabetes militias and obesity, there are more chances for the development of hyperuricosuria. Such a result leads to cloudy urine. 

5.   Food rich in salts


Consuming an excess of salt in food can make your body bring about concentrated, shady urine.

High salt in food and drinks disturbs the fluid balance in our body. This kind of disturbance causes kidneys to absorb more water. Less water remains behind to release waste in urine from the body. This causes cloudy urine.

More salt in food is not good nutrition. According to the doctors do not consume more than 2300 milligrams of salt per day

6.  Drinking alcohol


Coffee and teas 


In coffee and tea, caffeine is present. It may have diuretic impacts and lead to a lack of hydration and cloudy urine. Although coffee and tea give beneficial effects. It is ideal to drink in moderate amounts along with plenty of water.

If you take drinks rich in caffeine and do not use a lot of water to overcome the dehydration, it causes serious health issues. 


Cloudy urine can be harmless, but it may also be an indication of a medical situation or serious underlying cause. Some conditions associated with cloudy urine include:

·         urinary tract infection

·         kidney stones

·         prostate problems

·         sexually transmitted infections.

See a doctor if cloudy urine does not go away. Some conditions that show a severe infection are:

·         foul smell    ·         blood in the urine    ·         pain     ·         vomiting·         discharge in urine

How to get rid of cloudy urine?

There are some ways to get rid of cloudy urine

·         Drink more and more water.

·         Avoid foods that can make urine cloudy.

·         Have a balanced diet.

·         Use less salt.

·         Consult the doctor in serious cases.


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